Monday, 30 May 2011

A day spent with the Afghan Heroes Charity at Osfest

I was asked if I would do some photos for the charity Afghan Heroes... Well I jumped at the chance.
The people involved with the charity are so lovely and kind words cant describe.

All Images are copyright to /

An amazing charity, that I wish all the very best to in the future.

Friday, 27 May 2011

For me this is the best part of the day... A new begining, the dawn chorus and a light appearing as if by magic, simply its stunning.

I must admit... I really do enjoy taking portraits.
A stunning evening spent camping with family and friends on the welsh coast. Yep you guessed it... I had to go for a stroll with my camera to capture this sunset.

It was a lovely hot calm day in April. Watching these superb birds in flight was an exhilarating experience. Its a sight that needs to be seen by one's self to truly appreciate the Red Kite.